This our collection of vintage pieces of sculpture and art from the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic; most range in dates from the later 50's up to the 1990's. Some are made from materials we just don't see any longer, and many represent a view of the flora and fauna of the world that is now in the past, even among those who live in such a harsh and remote climate.
   The Inuit ("People" in their language of Inuktitut) are spread out across the top of North America - from the northern slopes of Alaska in the West, throughout the northern Canadian coastline and archipelago, to Greenland in the East. Those inside Canada number about 65,000. The art they create is as varied as the land and sea they call home, and the materials they are using. We look for pieces that reflect individual tastes and style, and we hope you enjoy what you see here. As always, we encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments!